High School English, Math, Writing & Sciences
High School Tutoring
for students who value their time
Year 7 – 8 English
In our Year 7-8 English tutoring program, we aim to build a writing skills in different styles and provide a strong foundation in textual analysis skills.
Year 9 – 10 English
Year 9-10 English tutoring program includes a comprehensive overview of what the students need to know to do well in Year 9 and 10 English. The students will be provided with a wide variety of text types and stimulus materials. Teachers will teach skills and hints to help the students do their best in assignments and exams. During each lesson, students develop: a wide knowledge of vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and grammar a greater understanding of formal literary terminology critical textual analysis and creative composition skills
Year 7 – 8 Maths
This is a headstart program for Year 7-8 Mathematics tutoring. Tutoring classes base on New South Wales syllabus. In every lesson, the notes contain clear and concise statements of relevant definitions, useful formulae followed by a great variety of worked examples and exercises.
Year 9 – 10 Maths
Year 9 -10 Mathematics tutoring program is specially designed to help students prepare for NAPLAN test and School Certificate Exams. We provide a complete and intensive maths tutoring program for students at this level. All the concepts, skills and processes required are given with clear explanations, abundant diagrams and numerous graded exercises.
Year 7 – 10 Science
This course is designed to encourage students to develop knowledge of science concepts and general knowledge. Based on the new syllabus, our notes contain many challenging exercises and excellent information that will help students excel in their tests, half-yearly and yearly exams.